I am very fortunate that my Father in law is a pilot and has a 172 which I can fly once in a while. Saves me from hiring a cfi to go fly with, just so I can get the motor skills down.
After Take off we were vectored around Kelly AFB, ok Lackland AFB or whatever they wanna call it now days. Normally they let you fly right over it, but today the clouds were still down a little low so we had to fly at 2500. They had 2 C-5's "in the pattern".

We passed over one later on our return at 3500 and he was at 3000 it was so huge it looked like we were way to close. Just an awesome airplane!
Once we took our little scenic tour of the new toyota plant we finally made it to castroville. The winds were supposed to be out of the south east which would have been just right with their runway 15, however, as with any flight things never are exactly as planned. The winds were a straight cross wind so my first real chance at right seat flying was going to be with a cross wind! All in all I was pleased the landing were pretty good and I didn't feel to out of place. Which is the goal, because as a cfi you have to be comfortable sitting in the right seat!
We did about 5 touch and go's and headed home, an uneventful flight back to KSAT a last minute sidestep from 12R to 12L because of traffic, no big deal, and we were down and taxiing in behind the "traffic" a 737-800 that Miami Air on in. So now I am home and trying to get some ground studying done. I'm also trying to make final preparations for the CFI course I plan to attend! I just hope this time things go a little smoother!