September 2007, it was the first post of this little blog! I started to document my new endeavor to become a commercial pilot. I had spent the previous 18 years in the transportation industry and I was ready to get out! I was fortunate to have a wonderful, supportive wife who encourage me to make the change.
Fast forward to April 2008. Finally I acquired my Commercial multi and single engine pilots certificates.
Now, three years and 6 months later, through one of the worse downturns in the aviation industry, a medical issue that could have ended my career before it even started, and numerous roadblocks and obstacles I am Happy to announce I have been offered and I have accepted the offer to become a First Officer with American Eagle Airlines!
It has been such an amazing month. I applied after I found out a friend was working there, flying the EMB 145. He offered to walk in my resume. I also met another AE Pilot who worked at the AE training department. He also volunteered to make a call on my behalf.
I fully expected this to be a 2-3 month process. 2.5 weeks after I applied I received the offer to interview.
On March 2 2011 I interviewed. 9 days later March 11, 2011 I received the call that I Had passed the Captains review board. Within four hours of that call I was scheduled for the March 28, 2011 Class.
In less then a month I will have interviewed and started class. This has happened so fast I'm not even sure If i believe it yet.
I'm not yet sure what to expect from class, except I will be very busy with a lot to learn. I hope to be able to write about my experience, but I will justhave to wait to see if I will have the time.
It's just doesn't seem possible. I excited yet someone stunned I think. It seems the training and time building and Instructing were just taking so long, I just didnt know if, or when I would make it to this level.
I think this is going to be fun, I cannot wait to get this started!
BTW, here is a picture of my friend Trevor (at least his back). He was about to "teach his lesson" when we were in school working on our CFI Certificates. Trevor is the one who walked my resume in for me.
Thank You Trevor!