Even an old Lockheed Jetstar, waiting for her new life in Mexico.

Which was next to a 601

So finally we are ready to go. So we figure we will head out from KSAT to Divine for an NDB approach, Return to KSSF Stinson
for the VOR 32 circle to land 14 (plus a hold over SSF vor). Stinson is an interesting Airport, A lot of History there. it i sthe second oldest GA airport in the country!
The Air was incredibly smooth. Under the hood while climbing I had the feeling we were not even moving we felt like we where simply suspended. En route to Devine we could not pick up a signal from the NDB, so we broke off, and steered toward SSF VOR. Listening to KSAT approach it was a busy day at the SSF VOR with two in the hold, and one on the approach. Luckily once we got there it had cleaned out, for the most part. One lap around the hold, and then the VOR approach and we were done. Go missed turn heading 090 contact KSAT approach. SAT App. gave us 310 on the heading and 3500,vectors for the ILS12r. They were nice enough to send me out over my house so I could snap a couple pictures of our area (did not ask for it, just the way it worked out).

Of course just in front of us a small cloud bank is building up at 3500

...Right where we need to be, and of course app is suddenly very busy and doing his rapid fire routine. Had it not gotten so busy all of a sudden I would have simply asked for a local IFR clearance and pushed on, but he had a flight of 3 F16 somewhere right in front of us...also at 3500 so I decided to just ask for 3000 to clear the clouds and remain VFR.
Finally on the 12R ils app into KSAT things have settled down again, the rapid fire transmissions from atc were back to a more relaxed tone.