Of course we both took a cup. Not much had been said prior to that. The Captain seemed content with keeping his hot-mic off. I'm not really like that, I tend to be a talker. If I typed as much as I talked I would have endless new post here.
Anyway, after a cup of coffee I felt refreshed, and ready to go. I started some conversation with the captain and I apparently hit his hot button. we talked non stop all the way back. Which was a good thing, because the air was smooth, the radios were quite, and I would;d have been sleepy in the early morning light.
I'm finally starting to get comfortable with the airplane. My landings and approaches are getting better. I'm really looking forward to getting into the airline life.
There seems to so much movement finally, after several years of furloughs and a stagnant aviation industry.
After a very nice early morning flight even after I pulled the power back and cruised slower then planned we still got into DFW early. I was off the plane by 0730 and on my way to C terminal where an AA flight was about to depart at 0750. A quick call to crew Scheduling and I was released and on my way home. I was in San Antonio before 9am.
After a nice weekend at home I was off for another 3 day. This one was not as smooth, but still not bad. Had an overnight in Alexandria LA, and a Baton Rogue turn. Heading east bound we soon saw what we thought was a cloud layer in front of us. Closer inspection revealed it was actually wild fires. One very large one and several small ones.
Some day I will carry a nice camera, the picture above I was trying to get a shot of the smoke after we passed it.
Later, on return from BTR we passed over Alexandria
Which we will be back to in just a little while for an overnight.
I enjoy the night flying. Smooth air, less radio chatter. It's a nice alternative to the fast paced daytime.
Anything New? -C.
You have a lot of supporters... An update woudl sure be nice. Duh?
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