It's been a busy couple days. Yesterday I had two Instrument students go for there checkride. I knew they were ready,. but you know there is always that chance something could happen. I think it's almost as hard on your nerves as it would be if you were the one taking the checkride.
I was gone when the first one got back, and when I returned to the airport the second was already in the oral exam with the DPE. I asked Alejandro how he had done. He said ok, but made a couple mistakes. I asked if he passed, he said he didn't know. I asked did the examiner say you failed...he said no. OK, that's good they have to tell you if you fail, and they have to tell you the moment you fail a maneuver..
So, finally the DPE came out of the oral. I managed to pull him aside to find out how things were going. He said both were very strong in their oral and the first flew pretty well, but did make a couple mistakes, but not out side of PTS standards.
Finally the second flew. Arturo did a great job and even received a compliment from the examiner. So two passing checkrides in a day...what a great feeling!
So now day two of the week. I have a 15 year old private pilot student who wanted very badly to solo on his birthday. I told him we would do our best, but this is aviation and you cannot expect it. He is a great Student pilot, and I knew he would be capable if things worked out.
We missed a couple lesson last week due to the tropical storm, so I wasn't sure.
So finally the shows up, I can see the anticipation in his face. The weather was ok, but not great, and then right when we got ready to take off the glider positions on the runway, and it was a glider checkride.
So now we have to compete with him and he has right of way. eventually the glider finishes and moved of the runway...we have 10 minutes left in out lesson. I ask if he is ready, he say he is. I have him stop at the FBO and out the door i go.
I walked over to where his mother was standing. I think I was more nervous then she was.
After just a couple minutes, there he goes. Now we're committed. he has to fly the pattern and land. He sounded great on the radio, his pattern looked great and his first landing was flawless! what a relief
He took one more hop around the patch and was done. what a 16th birthday. I'm sure he will sleep with a smile on his face tonight...
Congratulations to Arturo, Alejandro and guys all did fantastic!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Thursday, September 9, 2010

Students cancel, Planes break, Tropical storms happen...yes even in San Antonio. This week has been a wash on the flying front. Tuesday Tropical Storm Hermine rolled through, and we have had two days of lingering storms and low clouds. Not really what I would call flying weather for a c172.
It did allow me the time to take care of a few things that needed to be done. Had to change my car battery (notice the image above, I was changing my battery right under the eye). There was no hiding under the hood, as the eye passed over the rain was coming in sideways around the hood.
I did get the chance to review some ground work with two Instrument students who will be taking their soon as the weather clears.
However I'm ready to get back into the air, lets hope we get some better weather soon.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Time Fly's
It has been an interesting journey so far. Aviation has proven to be a cruel mistress, and I have just begun. I shouldn't say it's only been cruel, I love it. The days seem to run together a bit sometimes, but it has not been that horrible grind that my old "time punching" JOB was. I have not done so well with keeping the blog going. I find it has been difficult to keep up with all the things I must keep up with. Not only flying, but even making myself study to keep the knowledge fresh in my mind. It's amazing how fast you start forgetting things after you stop studying.
The flying has picked up. Thankfully this was summer has been busy. I have been working with two brothers from Mexico that have kept me busy. They both passed their Private pilot check-ride and now are only days away from taking their instrument check-ride. Next I will take them through Commercial and top it off with the multi add-on in the Cessna 310R.
I have also started working at another school in the San Antonio area. It to has been rewarding. I don't have as much business there but it is picking up.
One of my students there is 15 years old. David is a sharp young man, and is progressing nicely! His birthday is Sep 14. He is excited that he should be able to Solo on his birthday! I'm excited too! I just hope it all works out, aviation is hard to plan. It seems there is always something that forces you to change your plans.
This new school is one that I have been pushing for over two years to get on with. For two years I have heard we just don't have enough business, we need to make sure our current instructors have enough work. I agreed with this whole heartily! I could appreciate that. Most p[laces could care less about their cfi's they would bring on to many so their "students could be taken care of". Well, two year later I finally get the nod from the chief CFI. He said "we finally need another cfi". Finally! I was ready too. So I try to come in without pushing to hard, because they had a shortage of planes. Then out of nowhere two more CFI's pop up and just start pushing their way in. I have always tried to show respect to others. I try to respect their "seniority" excepting that I am the "new guy". I just never thought it showed much integrity to stand there like a leech and try to force you way in. Not paying attention to the rules and basically just doing what you want.
I realize sometimes to get a head you have to be aggressive, I just don't think it should be at ANY cost.
I do appreciate the new position, It is going to be a great new addition to my aviation Journey. I'm still excited to see where it takes me!
The flying has picked up. Thankfully this was summer has been busy. I have been working with two brothers from Mexico that have kept me busy. They both passed their Private pilot check-ride and now are only days away from taking their instrument check-ride. Next I will take them through Commercial and top it off with the multi add-on in the Cessna 310R.
I have also started working at another school in the San Antonio area. It to has been rewarding. I don't have as much business there but it is picking up.
One of my students there is 15 years old. David is a sharp young man, and is progressing nicely! His birthday is Sep 14. He is excited that he should be able to Solo on his birthday! I'm excited too! I just hope it all works out, aviation is hard to plan. It seems there is always something that forces you to change your plans.
This new school is one that I have been pushing for over two years to get on with. For two years I have heard we just don't have enough business, we need to make sure our current instructors have enough work. I agreed with this whole heartily! I could appreciate that. Most p[laces could care less about their cfi's they would bring on to many so their "students could be taken care of". Well, two year later I finally get the nod from the chief CFI. He said "we finally need another cfi". Finally! I was ready too. So I try to come in without pushing to hard, because they had a shortage of planes. Then out of nowhere two more CFI's pop up and just start pushing their way in. I have always tried to show respect to others. I try to respect their "seniority" excepting that I am the "new guy". I just never thought it showed much integrity to stand there like a leech and try to force you way in. Not paying attention to the rules and basically just doing what you want.
I realize sometimes to get a head you have to be aggressive, I just don't think it should be at ANY cost.
I do appreciate the new position, It is going to be a great new addition to my aviation Journey. I'm still excited to see where it takes me!
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