Monday, February 16, 2009

Poll anyone?

My friend Rand recently did a poll on who was reading his blog. Honestly I do not know who comes by here and reads this. I do have a counter so I know it gets hits, but I have not really looked at the history of visits in months. At one time I knew this blog had hits from 13 different countries. I never really thought this blog would have any "followers" since its just my random thoughts about where I have been so far in my short aviation career. I wanted to be able to keep track of what is going on. Kinda like a log book. I go back every now and then and look at my old log book entries. It triggers memories of past experiences and flights. I try to add information in my log book entries not just about flight details, but where I went, with who, did we go for a $100 hamburger...was it any good? Was it their first flight? It is interesting to read those older entries. So back to Rand, He was curious who was reading his blog, and it made me curious too. I would like to know about your aviation background. If you care to share check out the poll to the right. Feel free to leave a comment if you would like to share in more detail your flying experience...or non-flying as I am sure there might be a pilot to be reading the blog too :-)


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