Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Doom and Gloom

It's so sad to hear people almost daily talk about how bad the aviation industry has become how terrible the economy is...blah blah blah! There is a popular aviation website/forum I like to participate in, but lately it has become so negative it just makes you sick to look at it! Yeah, high gas prices are kicking our butt right now, but I think a lot of our poor economy is self professing prophecy! If you believe it, it will start to come true! Yes the airline industry is taking a hit with high fuel prices. Yes there have been some smaller operations go down. But really what Major airline has gone out of business? at least which one that was not ALREADY on the way out, like skybus??? that was a terrible operation with an even worse operating plan that was losing money! I know the Legacy's are all crying the blues making threat of domestic reduction (i.e. stop service to small town USA), but why are they making these "threats"? Look no further than you local politician! They are already ringing the subsidies for the airline bell. This is exactly what the airlines want!

Aviation will continue, it will recover from this oil situation and it will continue to grow as is forecast! I for one plan on being there, and ready when the hiring starts again, and if I plan it just right I will be there with just the right time and experience when hiring kicks in!

1 comment:

Marginally employable pilot levitating over Lake Superior said...

Good attitude! I've read recently that most analysts see strong growth in GA and small-aircraft markets for the next twenty years. I wouldn't be putting 50k in training if I didn't have faith. Enjoying the blog...keep it up.

(Just found out my school is buying 2 new Cirrus SR20 GTS for training. Lucky me!)