On the way down the ramp I met the FO coming off the plane, he told me there was a MX issue and that MX was on their way to the plane. They finally got there , signed off the work don and left. Great, now maybe we can go. Not quite. We get a message that we have been switched out of planes to the plane next gate over. and of course I was almost completely ready to go. Now we have pack up and move. The next plane is being brought in from the MX hanger. Which means it's been parked outside in the South Texas sun completely closed up. The gate did not have ground power available so we had to run the apu for power, and for AC since the air pumped in from the ground was just not enough to cool the airplane down. Then the ahrs would not align, this was due to the plane being repositioned with the avionics off. Basically the plane was lost and could not find its self. Now we are AGAIN waiting for MX to show up. Finally they do, problem fixed before start and engine start checklist complete, and we get a warning. Alarm and red lights flashing are not good! We have a bleed on leak. The only problem with with this is the bleed one is closed, because the #1 engine which supplies the #1 bleed is not even running. Now we are waiting on MX to show up yet again! This time we're told the flight is canceled, we're so late now it just doesn't matter no more. Our next leg would be DFW-CVG 3 hours from now. I'm learning real quick that there is a lot of "hurry up and wait" time in the airlines.
While I'm waiting I find a new app for the iphone that lets me sorta blog from the phone. I say sorta because you can only take a picture, add a caption (not many words) and post it. I was looking for an app that would let me use blogspot. I cannot believe Blogspot does not have a mobile option, that is just crazy.
You will notice below a couple post made with this new app. it was just a test, and only a test of the mobile blog system. I really don't like it.
Finally it's time to go fly. I got to the gate find out this plane as well has an issue. We will be speed limited to 250kts. This is going to be a long flight.
Now after three airplanes we are on out way to Cincinnati. After takeoff climbing through about 27,000' the Captain says hey look at that fire. It was one of the most brilliant things I have ever seen, and it was huge! I was just about to say something when all of a sudden the fire turns into a half circle. It was the moon, apparently it was behind a low cloud. It was one of the most amazing things I have ever seen! I wish i had a nice quality camera so I could have taken a picture.
The rest of the trip was uneventful. We made it to CVG, found our hotel and went to bed. The next day rolls around and I'm excited to get this trip going. I was going to fly two legs. CVG-DFW and HOU-DFW and that would have finished off my IOE training.
However...I go outside to do the preflight inspection and I find this on the #2 Engine.
Then I see this
and this...
and this...
I go back into the plane tell the Captain I need him to inspect the #2 and of course he sees the same thing. You guessed it, ANOTHER call to MX. The gate agent was kind enough to bring a luggage conveyor belt up to the engine so we could get a close up look. Come to find out there was a total of 14 damaged blades. Flight Canceled.
Now we wait to see if we can get a flight back to DFW. I'm supposed to be going home. Of course there is only one more DFW flight ours was sold out, and the next one was already pretty full as well. this does not look good!
The captain managed to get the jumpseat, Myself and the flight Attendant go back to the hotel! Oh yeah, another fun filled night in Cincinnati.
The next morning I catch a 6am flight to DFW and then a 755 flight DFW-SAT. and now I sit and wait for yet another IOE trip, since this last one did nothing to help me get closer to a line qualified sign off.
Yeah, this airline thing is going to be interesting...Oh by the way I guess maybe I should mention that this morning I found out our Parent company decided to spin us off, or sell us. There might be a slightly bright side to this. In the agreement to spin us off, American also said that all current Eagle pilot would have a job at American, when an opening becomes available. No Interview, no medical. When your number comes up you go to AA class.
Hmmm, just wonder If Ill ever see it!
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