Now I'm going to back up a little. Immediately after my LOFT (line oriented flight training) Sim session I managed to get a two week gap between LOFT and my first IOE trip. My wife who had already planned to go to Oahu to visit her sister was already at the airport heading to Dallas, on her way to HNL. I had to go to the training center to get my new certificate signed (which now says EMB 145 on it). I was done by 7am and heading to DFW myself via the shuttle. Once at DFW I had a bit of a wait so I went over to the gate where my wife was due to arrive. It's Funny to meet your spouse in passing at an airport away from home. After a short visit we talked about me going out as well. So off to SAT I go. She managed to get on the flight to HNL. So now I'm at home taking care of things I needed to be done before I leave.
After a long flight she calls and we confirm that I should go. So Inside of a couple hours I pack and make arrangements to go. I have never made a decision and prepared for a trip to Hawaii in a couple hours before. Usually those trips were planned 6-7 Months in advance.
Sometimes it's not easy being Spontaneous. I called UPS and asked about Jumpseating with them. Jumpseating is where a Pilot with an airline is allowed to fly on another airline if both airlines have a reciprocal agreement. My airline allows UPS pilots to fly on our airplane and vice versa. The best thing about this, it's free. The down side is that its standby, space available. If the plane is full you do not go. And now days, most airlines are trying to fly at 100% every flight.
The lady I spoke with said it was no problem for me to catch a ride with them. The trip would be SAT-SDF-HNL. There was about a 5 hour sit in Louisville, but I would still make HNL at about 10am local time.
I caught a ride to the UPS center at SAT. The people were very nice. I finally met the pilot, he checked my documents and welcomed me aboard. There was another UPS pilot jumpseating to Louisville for training. He took the time to explain their operations to me. I think this was my first ride on an airbus, an A300 to be exact. Didn't see to much, the jumpseat area was small with about 4 fold out jumpseats. Not real comfortable. I had had very little sleep in the previous 24 hours so I did my best to try to rest. Once we arrived at sdf he even took me inside showed me around and where to check in. The facility had a dark room with lazy boy chairs, another room with lazy boys but with lights on, a cafeteria, and a huge preflight room. this place was really nice!
Finally after I tried to get a little more sleep time in the dark room, I went to the briefing room to wait for the crew. Soon after an FO (first officer, or commonly referred to by many as co-pilot) walked up to me and asked if I was jumping to HNL and I said yes. He was part of the crew on my flight. A little bit later another FO showed up, he was the relief officer for the flight. When a flight is long they add a pilot to the crew so they can take breaks. Now all we need is a captain! Just before the final show time the captain walks in, reviews the paper work we all have a little small talk and then off to the airplane we go.
Back into the crew van for our ride to the airplane. Door to door service, I think I could like working for UPS. Finally we get to our plane and climb aboard. My first time, again, aboard an MD-11. I love these airplanes and always wanted to fly on one. Their jumpseats are MUCH nicer. Basically first class seat that recline with foot rest. However the captain offered to let me sit up front with them on a little fold out jumpseat...yeah I took it! I'm not going to miss this for anything.
So after a very cool takeoff roll, and climb around some thunderstorms

We finally settle in at cruise altitude. The captain then turned around and say's "their should be two meals for you in the back, we will be using the bottom bunk, so the top bunk is open. make yourself at home!" Hmm No sleep in the past 24+ hours, a 9 hour flight ahead, and there is an open bunk...Now this was an easy choice. So I changed into some shorts and a Tshirt and to sleep I went. After a few good hours of sleep I finally decide to get up a little more then an hour out. Time to get changed, freshen up and have some breakfast. Wow what more could a guy ask for...
They brought us in over the south west corner of the Island, over the Famous Waikiki beach and Diamond Head Crater.
You can see the ala wei canal on the north side of thr tourist district
It was an awesome finish to a great flight. ATC took us out pretty far over the Pacific before turning us back to the airport. Being 1500' above the Beautiful blue water is an amazing view.
And just like that we're on the ground. My Beautiful wife was there to pick me up and had a front row seat of the landing. The crew had me take one more van ride with them to the gate, and then I jumped out to catch my ride. The entire process with UPS was awesome! The crew was just wonderful, a great bunch of guys! Thank you y'all so much!
So now it's time to do what I came to do...See the Island, and family.
What a great time, now now it's time to head back to the airport, It's time for IOE...
then the Island offers me one more beautiful view before I go,
What a way to top off a great visit.
Hi Tim! I'm delighted to see a 'fresh' post and the back-tracking is just fine. I'd say "Welcome," but it is not my right. You've made the grade and you are flying. You are enjoying ther perks (Flying to HNL in the front end of the MD-11 IS cool, no matter who you ask!). And hat's off to the UPS guys (and gals) for being so nice. Hope you and the wide part had a good time. Keep on posting! Even as an 'old fart,' yp made the grade and you are flying - for REAL! Please keep your readers posted. -C.
Tim, I hope that you are now seeing the posts that your readers leave. Know that you have support and that your readers are cheering for you. Your 'late start' in the business makes it even more fun, especially for those of us who are old farts, always interested in flying, but took other paths - mostly to earn a living... Ayou enjoy great cheers from here, because you had the moxy to just DO IT. Now that you have the various licenses and a "Real Flying Job," they will take you a long way. You are flying a REAL jet and in REAL (>FL180) airspace and yo have my salute. WIth a , you will probably age-out before flying left-seat on double-aisle airplanes and 10K km at a crack. So what? You made up your mind to do the career change and a later than usual age. You made it and you are doing what you want to do. If you stay with your current line (probably a good choice for a new flyer with a minor age issue...) you will soon be a Captain and then a Senior Captain. There are some nice perks there, even with a non-flag line and someting less than million-pound airplanes. In the end, what you actually do, is probably a lot more *FUN* than driving a whale. As for the blog, I truly enjoy reading your posts. I understand the mid-life career change because I too DID IT. I'm no longer a pilot, but my career change was a good move and I've never regretted it. Please know that you have a following and that folks are congratulating you and rooting for you. My wishes are 1) That you always fly safe, 2) earn a fair living for your family 3) have some FUN along the way and 4) keep you fans posted about your progress. We are Cheering for you!! -Craig (Cedarglen).
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