Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Finally A good day!
Well, we had a good leson today I think. It wasn't perfect but it was an improvment. I had a lot of issues with atc, which cause a few problems with the manuevers. I felt much better about teh lazy eights! I guess I'm starting to get a feel for them. Ironically, the eights on pylons didnt work out very well, and I usually do very well on them. The Commercial practical is schedules for march 5. I think I will be ready! I just want this one behind me, at least until i get it behind me then I will want the next one behind me! Next is the cfi.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Checklist...who needs a checklist
"On October 30, 1935, at Wright Air Field in Dayton, Ohio, the U.S. Army Air Corps held a flight competition for airplane manufacturers vying to build its next-generation long-range bomber. It wasn't supposed to be much of a competition. In early evaluations, the Boeing Corporation's gleaming aluminum-alloy Model 299 had trounced the designs of Martin and Douglas. Boeing's plane could carry five times as many bombs as the Army had requested; it could fly faster than previous bombers, and almost twice as far. 
A Seattle newspaperman who had glimpsed the plane called it the "flying fortress," and the name stuck. The flight "competition," according to the military historian Phillip Meilinger, was regarded as a mere formality. The Army planned to order at least sixty-five of the aircraft.
A small crowd of Army brass and manufacturing executives watched as the Model 299 test plane taxied onto the runway. It was sleek and impressive, with a hundred-and-three-foot wingspan and four engines jutting out from the wings, rather than the usual two. The plane roared down the tarmac, lifted off smoothly, and climbed sharply to three hundred feet. Then it stalled, turned on one wing, and crashed in a fiery explosion. Two of the five crew members died, including the pilot, Major Ployer P. Hill. (thus .... Hill AFB, Ogden, UT)

An investigation revealed that nothing mechanical had gone wrong. The crash had been due to "pilot error," the report said. Substantially more complex than previous aircraft, the new plane required the pilot to attend to the four engines, a retractable landing gear, new wing flaps, electric trim tabs that needed adjustment to maintain control at different airspeeds, and constant-speed propellers whose pitch had to be regulated with hydraulic controls, among other features. While doing all this, Hill had forgotten to release a new locking mechanism on the elevator and rudder controls.
The Boeing model was deemed, as a newspaper put it, "too much airplane for one man to fly." The Army Air Corps declared Douglas's smaller design the winner. Boeing nearly went bankrupt. Still, the Army purchased a few aircraft from Boeing as test planes, and some insiders remained convinced that the aircraft was flyable. So a group of test pilots got together and considered what to do.
They could have required Model 299 pilots to undergo more training. But it was hard to imagine having more experience and expertise than Major Hill, who had been the U.S. Army Air Corps' Chief of Flight Testing.
Instead, they came up with an ingeniously simple approach: they created a pilot's checklist, with step-by-step checks for takeoff, flight, landing, and taxiing. Its mere existence indicated how far aeronautics had advanced.
In the early years of flight, getting an aircraft into the air might have been nerve-racking, but it was hardly complex. Using a checklist for takeoff would no more have occurred to a pilot than to a driver backing a car out of the garage. But this new plane was too complicated to be left to the memory of any pilot, however expert.

A Seattle newspaperman who had glimpsed the plane called it the "flying fortress," and the name stuck. The flight "competition," according to the military historian Phillip Meilinger, was regarded as a mere formality. The Army planned to order at least sixty-five of the aircraft.
A small crowd of Army brass and manufacturing executives watched as the Model 299 test plane taxied onto the runway. It was sleek and impressive, with a hundred-and-three-foot wingspan and four engines jutting out from the wings, rather than the usual two. The plane roared down the tarmac, lifted off smoothly, and climbed sharply to three hundred feet. Then it stalled, turned on one wing, and crashed in a fiery explosion. Two of the five crew members died, including the pilot, Major Ployer P. Hill. (thus .... Hill AFB, Ogden, UT)

An investigation revealed that nothing mechanical had gone wrong. The crash had been due to "pilot error," the report said. Substantially more complex than previous aircraft, the new plane required the pilot to attend to the four engines, a retractable landing gear, new wing flaps, electric trim tabs that needed adjustment to maintain control at different airspeeds, and constant-speed propellers whose pitch had to be regulated with hydraulic controls, among other features. While doing all this, Hill had forgotten to release a new locking mechanism on the elevator and rudder controls.
The Boeing model was deemed, as a newspaper put it, "too much airplane for one man to fly." The Army Air Corps declared Douglas's smaller design the winner. Boeing nearly went bankrupt. Still, the Army purchased a few aircraft from Boeing as test planes, and some insiders remained convinced that the aircraft was flyable. So a group of test pilots got together and considered what to do.
They could have required Model 299 pilots to undergo more training. But it was hard to imagine having more experience and expertise than Major Hill, who had been the U.S. Army Air Corps' Chief of Flight Testing.
Instead, they came up with an ingeniously simple approach: they created a pilot's checklist, with step-by-step checks for takeoff, flight, landing, and taxiing. Its mere existence indicated how far aeronautics had advanced.
In the early years of flight, getting an aircraft into the air might have been nerve-racking, but it was hardly complex. Using a checklist for takeoff would no more have occurred to a pilot than to a driver backing a car out of the garage. But this new plane was too complicated to be left to the memory of any pilot, however expert.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
I guess since i want to get into the airlines this word DELAYED is one I should get used to! I show-up to the airport today for a lesson only to find out that the cfi is not available tomorrow...EVEN though we already had a lesson on the schedule! Since we cannot fly tomorrow we are short at least one lesson before I can be signed off to take the commercial practical...So, I had to come home and call the DPE (Designated pilot examiner) to cancel and re-schedule. His next available day is March 5. Not to bad I guess, But I so want to get this done! I guess I shouldn't let it bother me, at least I have been able to fly, but the lesson are not as fun when you are flying just for the fun of it. For those who might come along and read this who have yet had a chance to fly, I encourage you to get out to an airport near you and take a flight. There is nothing as awesome as the thrill of piloting an airplane. It may not sound like a lot of fun by the way I explain some of the experiences I have had while going through training, but the payoff is when you can relax a bit and go out and have some fun.
These sunset photo's were taken over Oahu Hawaii. Beautiful!
Flying Over KAUS Austin Texas

Preparing for takeoff junction Texas

Just after Takeoff, What A view! For most, the payoff is the view from the front office. I cannot wait until I reach the point where I can get that position flying for an airline. That will be the payoff for all the problems and delays I have faced so far, and will continue to face. Aviation is unlike anything else I have ever experienced. I have had motorcycles, boats, I have had many hobbies, but nothing I have ever done has equaled aviation. Once you get the have it, nothing you can do about, and if you have know what I'm talking about!

Preparing for takeoff junction Texas

Just after Takeoff, What A view! For most, the payoff is the view from the front office. I cannot wait until I reach the point where I can get that position flying for an airline. That will be the payoff for all the problems and delays I have faced so far, and will continue to face. Aviation is unlike anything else I have ever experienced. I have had motorcycles, boats, I have had many hobbies, but nothing I have ever done has equaled aviation. Once you get the have it, nothing you can do about, and if you have know what I'm talking about!
Friday, February 22, 2008
4 Days and counting
Wow, only four days. I'm still not sure if I will be ready in four days! I am schedules to fly again sunday and monday. I guess we will make the final determination at that point! Todays flying went better. Still not quite to pts standards, but I think Im finally starting to get a grip on the manuevers. The lazy eights are my pain in the back side! But there was improvment on them today! The arrow is very differnet in the way it flys compared to the other planes I flown. The mooney is an awesome airplane, I love it! The arrow, when you are landing, once you drop the power you become basically a smooth rock. So my lanings are not that good. Im so tired from trying to study and fly, i just want this to be over! Hopefuly it will be in 4 days...or actually I guess it wont, my cfi material showed up today, so that means more studying! will it ever end???
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Here we go!!!! again
Well yesterday I started flight training for the commercial pilot’s license again! As you may recall, I had gone "out of town" to try to do an accelerated commercial course. That did not go over very well. Weather, MX issues, and issues with the school just didn’t let it happen. So here I am again. New airplane, new instructor, and feeling like a basic student pilot...again. Sometimes I just don’t think it’s possible to get all the knowledge in your head that you need, and then there is the flying. I'm sure I will get it (the commercial maneuvers) eventually, but right now it’s like trying to talk Chinese without ever having had a class in it.
Lazy eights are the most difficult for me. Eights on pylons are pretty easy, I like doing them. So yesterday was day one (again). We did about 4 hours of ground, which went ok, then we went out for 1.8 in the Piper Arrow. The arrow is an interesting airplane. My landings stink in them! I can put a Mooney right on the spot, or a piper archer, but this arrow is whipping my butt. Cut the power and it become a rock.
Anyway, It wasn't to bad yesterday I guess. Today, we did another 4 ground, but the weather was 700 overcast most the day, so no flying for me!
It will be a busy week for sure. I have a lot of studying to do. I just hope this goes well! I had a goal of being a "commercial" pilot by the time I was 40...that’s 9 days away!
wish me luck
Lazy eights are the most difficult for me. Eights on pylons are pretty easy, I like doing them. So yesterday was day one (again). We did about 4 hours of ground, which went ok, then we went out for 1.8 in the Piper Arrow. The arrow is an interesting airplane. My landings stink in them! I can put a Mooney right on the spot, or a piper archer, but this arrow is whipping my butt. Cut the power and it become a rock.
Anyway, It wasn't to bad yesterday I guess. Today, we did another 4 ground, but the weather was 700 overcast most the day, so no flying for me!
It will be a busy week for sure. I have a lot of studying to do. I just hope this goes well! I had a goal of being a "commercial" pilot by the time I was 40...that’s 9 days away!
wish me luck
Friday, February 15, 2008
A new Home!
Just a little note to let you know what is going on here. You will notice all the post below are dated in the begining of the post. The reason is because I moved to blogger from another blog hosting site which I was having way to much trouble with. I hope this new format will work much better, we will see.
Round 2!!!
February 11th, 2008
OK, thing are starting to come together again. Lets back up a bit and discuss what happened before. I had decided to go out of town to attend an accelerated commercial pilot course. Unfortunately everything that could have gone wrong…did! I was told there would be designated examiners available at any time (we have two on staff, so i was told, but not true) Well, we couldn’t get an examiner when we would have really needed one. The first day I showed up, the cfi i was to be paired up with wasn’t there. So, first day lost. Day two high winds and snow! The cfi did show up that day, but we spent about 3-4 hours tops together and didn’t really cover all that much. Which was a disappointment, because I made sure before I scheduled myself to go that they had a “structured ground school”…they didn’t He (the cfi) was like, well read that tonight on your own. I COULD HAVE DONE THAT AT HOME!!! the weather did not cooperate either. two days of snow, One day of winds 30-40kts. Oh did i mention the presidential TFR. MX issues with the airplane. OK, if you know you have someone coming into town to fly a specific airplane. don’t you think you would want to have the plane ready? I really like the owner of the school. I know he will have a good product, I’m just not sure he is fully up to speed yet. The CFI was a nice guy, but we didn’t communicate very well, and his teaching method was different then any other I had ever seen. One day we spent about 30 min looking for “pylons” to do eights around pylon maneuver. Its like just pick something for cryin out loud!
Anyway…I’m back home. I called a local guy who used to be the chief flight instructor for a local school, and is an ex-USAF pilot, he has agreed to help me finish up and I have scheduled my check ride for Feb 26. 3 days before my 40th birthday! My goal has been to be a commercial pilot by the time I’m 40. I’m cutting it close! I hope I get it done this time!!!
OK, thing are starting to come together again. Lets back up a bit and discuss what happened before. I had decided to go out of town to attend an accelerated commercial pilot course. Unfortunately everything that could have gone wrong…did! I was told there would be designated examiners available at any time (we have two on staff, so i was told, but not true) Well, we couldn’t get an examiner when we would have really needed one. The first day I showed up, the cfi i was to be paired up with wasn’t there. So, first day lost. Day two high winds and snow! The cfi did show up that day, but we spent about 3-4 hours tops together and didn’t really cover all that much. Which was a disappointment, because I made sure before I scheduled myself to go that they had a “structured ground school”…they didn’t He (the cfi) was like, well read that tonight on your own. I COULD HAVE DONE THAT AT HOME!!! the weather did not cooperate either. two days of snow, One day of winds 30-40kts. Oh did i mention the presidential TFR. MX issues with the airplane. OK, if you know you have someone coming into town to fly a specific airplane. don’t you think you would want to have the plane ready? I really like the owner of the school. I know he will have a good product, I’m just not sure he is fully up to speed yet. The CFI was a nice guy, but we didn’t communicate very well, and his teaching method was different then any other I had ever seen. One day we spent about 30 min looking for “pylons” to do eights around pylon maneuver. Its like just pick something for cryin out loud!
Anyway…I’m back home. I called a local guy who used to be the chief flight instructor for a local school, and is an ex-USAF pilot, he has agreed to help me finish up and I have scheduled my check ride for Feb 26. 3 days before my 40th birthday! My goal has been to be a commercial pilot by the time I’m 40. I’m cutting it close! I hope I get it done this time!!!
Houston we have a problem!
February 1st, 2008
Wow, where to begin. As i wrote before, i had decided to go out of town to get my commercial single. One of those so called Accelerated courses. Well, Im sitting in an airport in the middle of fly over country at 1130pm waiting for a chance to get a standby seat at 9am. without a commercial license…So, to say the least, im not happy. I will get into details later, right now i just want my bed!
Wow, where to begin. As i wrote before, i had decided to go out of town to get my commercial single. One of those so called Accelerated courses. Well, Im sitting in an airport in the middle of fly over country at 1130pm waiting for a chance to get a standby seat at 9am. without a commercial license…So, to say the least, im not happy. I will get into details later, right now i just want my bed!
The count down has begun
January 13th, 2008
Well, I have made a choice. I am departing good ole south Texas Jan 28th heading to chilly Kansas to do an accelerated commercial pilot course! I have the written exam done, I have the amount of flying needed (actually more than…270hrs tt) all I need is to learn the commercial maneuvers, and PASS the commercial practical. So, by Feb 1st I will be a commercial pilot!!! I will be at Career Pilot School. I have heard good things so far about them, as best as i can tell by their website, they have their stuff together! I hope so OK, any commercial guys out there that have any tips for me?
Well, I have made a choice. I am departing good ole south Texas Jan 28th heading to chilly Kansas to do an accelerated commercial pilot course! I have the written exam done, I have the amount of flying needed (actually more than…270hrs tt) all I need is to learn the commercial maneuvers, and PASS the commercial practical. So, by Feb 1st I will be a commercial pilot!!! I will be at Career Pilot School. I have heard good things so far about them, as best as i can tell by their website, they have their stuff together! I hope so OK, any commercial guys out there that have any tips for me?
One small step for man…ok so its not that big a deal…
January 5th, 2008
OK so its not as big of a deal, as stepping onto the moon, but I did save 10% on my car insurance…Oh sorry (this is where my wife would roll her eyes at my usual bad joke!), I PASSED my commercial written exam today!!! WOOHOO with a 91%. Not the score I wanted but hey, its a pass!So, now it’s time to jump back into the video’s again and watch the king check ride dvd with good ole Martha and J.C.I swear the kings should offer me a discount on my next purchase for all the plugs i have given them.Oh get this. I sent in my 3 practice exams to kingschools to get my instructor endorsement, My wife calls me while I was at work to say she had received it back from them, she says it’s signed my John King. I was like oh sure…but sure enough when I seen it, it said John king on it. Boy did I feel special. Someone at kingschools stamped my paper with a big ole rubber stamp with the big guys name on it! Oh well, I will just keep telling everyone its really his signature:-)So now what? I hope about 10 hours of finish up in the Arrow and I will be a commercial pilot. I hope to have it done before the end of Jan! We will see, but that is my goal.I have not been in a plane for over a month so the first thing is to rent a plane for some currency work! I need to make sure I can hold headings a altitude still! So, for now its study time and I hope to report real soon that I am available for hire!!!
OK so its not as big of a deal, as stepping onto the moon, but I did save 10% on my car insurance…Oh sorry (this is where my wife would roll her eyes at my usual bad joke!), I PASSED my commercial written exam today!!! WOOHOO with a 91%. Not the score I wanted but hey, its a pass!So, now it’s time to jump back into the video’s again and watch the king check ride dvd with good ole Martha and J.C.I swear the kings should offer me a discount on my next purchase for all the plugs i have given them.Oh get this. I sent in my 3 practice exams to kingschools to get my instructor endorsement, My wife calls me while I was at work to say she had received it back from them, she says it’s signed my John King. I was like oh sure…but sure enough when I seen it, it said John king on it. Boy did I feel special. Someone at kingschools stamped my paper with a big ole rubber stamp with the big guys name on it! Oh well, I will just keep telling everyone its really his signature:-)So now what? I hope about 10 hours of finish up in the Arrow and I will be a commercial pilot. I hope to have it done before the end of Jan! We will see, but that is my goal.I have not been in a plane for over a month so the first thing is to rent a plane for some currency work! I need to make sure I can hold headings a altitude still! So, for now its study time and I hope to report real soon that I am available for hire!!!
Where did it go?
December 30th, 2007
Another year gone, wow…where did it go? It amazes me sometimes, it seems time is going faster. It seems like we just had the 07 near your change. As for my training…I’m still studying for the commercial ground. I hope I will have my commercial License by the middle of Jan 08. I think I have decided to continue and get my CFI-I and Mei. Since there are not a lot of options for low timers. I’m still only at 266TT. I have to wonder about the cfi thing, Sometimes It feel like I do not know anything. I don’t think its possible to learn enough to teach someone else to fly! Well, that’s my perception anyway, I’m sure I can do it.
Anyway, I wish you a very Happy New year, I hope your 2008 is a great, blessed year!
Another year gone, wow…where did it go? It amazes me sometimes, it seems time is going faster. It seems like we just had the 07 near your change. As for my training…I’m still studying for the commercial ground. I hope I will have my commercial License by the middle of Jan 08. I think I have decided to continue and get my CFI-I and Mei. Since there are not a lot of options for low timers. I’m still only at 266TT. I have to wonder about the cfi thing, Sometimes It feel like I do not know anything. I don’t think its possible to learn enough to teach someone else to fly! Well, that’s my perception anyway, I’m sure I can do it.
Anyway, I wish you a very Happy New year, I hope your 2008 is a great, blessed year!
Merry Christmas
December 14th, 2007
Just a side note and a moment away from flying. I want to wish you all a Very Merry Christmas, As a follower and believer of Jesus Christ I wish you a Happy and very Blessed New Year!
Just a side note and a moment away from flying. I want to wish you all a Very Merry Christmas, As a follower and believer of Jesus Christ I wish you a Happy and very Blessed New Year!
Rand peck, a life aloft
December 14th, 2007
For those of you who enjoy reading about the airline life, You will love this. This guy has some great stories and awesome pictures. This is the kind of airline pilot I would love to be, and the kind of Captian I would like to fly with! Maybe someday I will get lucky and get the chance to meet him!
For those of you who enjoy reading about the airline life, You will love this. This guy has some great stories and awesome pictures. This is the kind of airline pilot I would love to be, and the kind of Captian I would like to fly with! Maybe someday I will get lucky and get the chance to meet him!
6.6 hours in a Cessna 172…My back side still hurts
December 1st, 2007
Well I just finished up another requirement for the commercial license. I did my LOOOOOONG Cross country. San Antonio to Gladwater TX about 260ish miles. 6.6 hours in a 172 is a lot of flying. It was however just a wonderful day to fly! Vis was great, and the air was amazingly smooth. Traffic into SAT was coming almost directly inbound my outbound course. after checking the plane, it was time to climb in and get ready to go. everything went smooth on the ground. simple taxi to 12R at Kilo quick run up and all is good. Tower gives me the takeoff clearance (fly rnwy hdg and cleared for t/o 12R) and off I go. I’m thinking after i start my roll that its unusual to get a fly runway hdg when you have an airliner coming in behind you. Usually they want you to turn north or south real quick, but if that’s what they want, ok. Shortly after takeoff I’m settling in for a short climb up to 5500. They keep me on the runway hdg for awhile as they let a couple takeoff from the crossing rnwy, then finally I get a turn to the north. It’s then that I realize why they took me before turning NE. As I already mention the inbound traffic was coming right down my outbound course.
Finally it was time to play a little, pull out the sectional, mark some ground reference point time them check ground speeds winds etc. Not that I had to do it the “old fashioned way” The moving map gps was giving me all that info too, Figured I had the time so might as well keep myself busy! I was really surprised even a couple hours into the flight and the heat of the day coming it was still very smooth. I didn’t even need an auto pilot. Trimmed her up and she flew great. I finally made it to the glade water area, had just passed over Taylor TX at 16 out began a descent. Over flew the field made left traffic to runway 14 and had an uneventful landing into Gladewater. Now it’s time for a short break, a ham sandwich and fuel.
Fueled up and ready to go. I decide to take 17 to make it a short turn to on-course heading. It’s funny. My PPL training was done on a field in Missouri. The field was 2200X49 (FES). Never gave it a second though about the length, But when you start flying out of a 8000X150 all of a sudden 2200 seems REAL SHORT! It was obviously long enough.The flight back was pretty much the same. Climbed up to 6500 the air was smooth as could be. Settled in for the long ride back at 96kts ground speed!
Finally made it back to the San Antonio Area. Decided to make my second stop at a local field with cheap fuel (if you can call $3.45 cheap) I had never landed there, so I didn’t know what to expect. Had an RV in the pattern so I just followed him around. Then while on downwind I seen the runway, this thing had a huge downward slope to it. They built this rnwy on a hill. I crossed the number and flared and the runway just kept dropping away from me. Strangest landing I have ever made.
Got my fuel and headed home, got back at dusk pushed her into the hanger and called it a day! Sometime you just feel fortunate that you can fly, that we have the ability…Some days you just really love to fly! This was one of them!
Slowly but…
November 10th, 2007
I’m studying for the ground portion of my commercial pilot license! I wish I could say it’s going good, but its not, at least not fast enough. Im thinking about going up to skymates in arlington. I think I could hamer out the single engine commercial, and then the multi engine commercial add-on in about a week! I want to get it done so i can get on with life. Try to find a flying postion so I can start building time! Oh well, nothing major to report…Any ideas about how to approach the comm training? I case I dont make it back, Happy Thanksgiving!
I’m studying for the ground portion of my commercial pilot license! I wish I could say it’s going good, but its not, at least not fast enough. Im thinking about going up to skymates in arlington. I think I could hamer out the single engine commercial, and then the multi engine commercial add-on in about a week! I want to get it done so i can get on with life. Try to find a flying postion so I can start building time! Oh well, nothing major to report…Any ideas about how to approach the comm training? I case I dont make it back, Happy Thanksgiving!
October 26th, 2007
It’s getting close enough to smell! With the Instrument rating in the bag, I have now moved on to the Commercial ground studies…YES, More Martha (I know you’re jealous). The only thing I NEED to finish for the flight portion (Other then learning the maneuvers) Is one night vfr cross country, and one long cross country with at least one leg of 250nm and 3 stops. I already have 259 hours so I’m good on the hour requirement. I’m very excited to start this. Not that is will do me a whole lot of good as i will still have less then 300 hrs after earning my commercial ticket! So I will still need to build some time. I’m starting to think about glider towing! We have a lot of glider ops in this area. Honestly I don’t like the idea of towing gliders, but hey, I need experience! I will go formy multi engine comm/instr. as soon as i’m done with my single engine commercial! Well depending on the $$$$ situation (any independently wealthy folks out there who would like to help a poor pilot out…haha). I told my father in law, after i get the multi, everytime we go up in his plane…he’s going under the hood! He has a 55 model beech Baron. I found a great deal on a twin to acquire the rating, $175 hour for a Seneca! SO when the time comes, I have a multi study course, and I will buy a pow for the seneca and make sure I know the plane inside and out, so I can limit my training time!
Well, speaking of studying, I better get at it! The sooner i take the written, the sooner I start the lessons. End of November is my goal!…We’ll see!
It’s getting close enough to smell! With the Instrument rating in the bag, I have now moved on to the Commercial ground studies…YES, More Martha (I know you’re jealous). The only thing I NEED to finish for the flight portion (Other then learning the maneuvers) Is one night vfr cross country, and one long cross country with at least one leg of 250nm and 3 stops. I already have 259 hours so I’m good on the hour requirement. I’m very excited to start this. Not that is will do me a whole lot of good as i will still have less then 300 hrs after earning my commercial ticket! So I will still need to build some time. I’m starting to think about glider towing! We have a lot of glider ops in this area. Honestly I don’t like the idea of towing gliders, but hey, I need experience! I will go formy multi engine comm/instr. as soon as i’m done with my single engine commercial! Well depending on the $$$$ situation (any independently wealthy folks out there who would like to help a poor pilot out…haha). I told my father in law, after i get the multi, everytime we go up in his plane…he’s going under the hood! He has a 55 model beech Baron. I found a great deal on a twin to acquire the rating, $175 hour for a Seneca! SO when the time comes, I have a multi study course, and I will buy a pow for the seneca and make sure I know the plane inside and out, so I can limit my training time!
Well, speaking of studying, I better get at it! The sooner i take the written, the sooner I start the lessons. End of November is my goal!…We’ll see!
Instrument Rating Practical…How it went!
October 21st, 2007
First of all, Let me say I have read a few reports from others who went before me on the IR check-ride, and all I can say is I got lucky! I almost feel like it was given to me, but that doesn’t make since because the DE I used has a reputation for not being easy! Honestly It bothered for a little while, I felt i did not deserve the pass! However the more I think about it, the more I think he did me a favor. Now, I know I will keep studying about Instrument flying, and I will be determined to go and build my experience stronger, so I WILL feel confident in my flying!
SO lets get to that day! Here In South Texas 350 days out of the year the wind are out of the south! The two most common places this particular DPE like to do his test are KSAT and KERV. Ok, Great I have flown the Hold and VOR-AÂ Off center point VOR into ERV many times. I also have flown the ils12R into KSAT many times….well…NOT today!!! The winds…350 and Center Point VOR was out of service! So I find out I will be flying approaches I have never flown! Shouldn’t be a problem, I mean that what we train for, RIGHT?
Well, he shows up (20 min early) and we begin with a little small talk, he checks the IACRA and He briefs me on what we will be doing…OK so far. He ask for the flight plan kinda looks it over ask a couple basic question and puts it aside! Ask for the airplane LOG check all the appropriate entries, and is satisfied with the plane! Then immediately goes into weather. Has me open up duats (which is what I told him I use)Starts asking me questions about how I find out about T-STorms Airmets etc…easy enough, Duats labels each section. went through the weather completely, Doesn’t ask me a single question about notams…Ok who am I to complain. He then had me pull up some charts off of NOAA’s website that I had never seen, ask me questions, I tried to stumble through, but could not answer all of them. He seemed to want to teach me a little bit about weather, which was fine too, I already had a pad out and had been taking notes! Asked me where I would have planned an alternate to, IF i would have needed one. I told him and he seemed pleased with the answer. Believe it or not, that was pretty much it. NO ??? on mea’s mca’s maa’s mra’s, never looked at the enroute chart. Asked me about required equipment for IFR flight!
So then he wanted to take a little lunch break, had me file for a local IFR, 1 Hold and one vor approach into T82 of the stonewall vor. After lunch, we head out to the plane, he watches me preflight ask a couple basic questions tried to act like he was just standing around, but I bet he never missed a single thing! I found a loose bolt hanging out of the cowling. so off to the MX people I go, NO biggie, pop the cowling he showed the de where he had just put a NEW bolt but never found the one he lost (which I found) again he was happy and ready. We climb in, plane doesn’t start, after about six trys the starter finally engages and we start up, taxi back to the fbo so We can go inside and call for a clearance (no rco on the field). 30 min later of being on hold, he says forget it we will simulate…ok, hope in the plane doesn’t start again!!! 4 times later we get ignition and we are off. Climb out is fine, plane is good its getting to be around 130 so its getting bumpy. I make it to the vor and I lose my stop watch! I’m in a hold trying to use my watch, somehow i manage to pull off a hold we head inbound I descend to mda and he says hood off and make a low circle app. well I’m right on a right base within glide range so I say, I have the field made I’m leaving my mda. I think he wanted to make an actual circle, but hey I was right in front of my rnwy, I was taking it…ok low app then back out of the area for some partial panel. real basic. compass turns and that’s all, but then he did some unusual attitude partial panel. At one point i was nose low airspeed was 140 kts in an archer with 154 VNE. Ok altimeter is spining down as is vsi and airspeed is climbing…Power off gently nose up until the stop he takes It and one more. From there we fly to ksat for an ils12r. was no to bad, but not good either. We had a lot of heavy iron behind us and controllers not happy with us. we were told to land so we stopped he went in an fbo made a call to the tower got permission for another app. the second was the 12r localizer PARTIAL PANEL..still have controllers yelling still have big stuff behind us and one point they fly an erj over out heads. This one was real sloppy, I almost went full scale deflection but pulled it back just in time! we descend to MDA and he has me fly the full length of the rnwy at MDA, man was I glad the controller finally told be to climb and turn out…because that was it he said hood off, and i started breathing again. He never said a word if i passed or not, I could have busted no less then 3 times (I seen it, not sure if he did!) It was a ride from hell to be honest. we started at 910 am and finished at 1600.
I wish I could offer some more solid advice for those who still have to take the ir ride, but I just dont think this was a normal ride…or maybe that is the advice…BE READY FOR ANYTHING!!! Dont just memorize the app’s you think the de uses, be ready to fly any approach in any sitaution, and most importantly, dont give up, even if you think your doing bad….DONT GIVE UP!!!
First of all, Let me say I have read a few reports from others who went before me on the IR check-ride, and all I can say is I got lucky! I almost feel like it was given to me, but that doesn’t make since because the DE I used has a reputation for not being easy! Honestly It bothered for a little while, I felt i did not deserve the pass! However the more I think about it, the more I think he did me a favor. Now, I know I will keep studying about Instrument flying, and I will be determined to go and build my experience stronger, so I WILL feel confident in my flying!
SO lets get to that day! Here In South Texas 350 days out of the year the wind are out of the south! The two most common places this particular DPE like to do his test are KSAT and KERV. Ok, Great I have flown the Hold and VOR-AÂ Off center point VOR into ERV many times. I also have flown the ils12R into KSAT many times….well…NOT today!!! The winds…350 and Center Point VOR was out of service! So I find out I will be flying approaches I have never flown! Shouldn’t be a problem, I mean that what we train for, RIGHT?
Well, he shows up (20 min early) and we begin with a little small talk, he checks the IACRA and He briefs me on what we will be doing…OK so far. He ask for the flight plan kinda looks it over ask a couple basic question and puts it aside! Ask for the airplane LOG check all the appropriate entries, and is satisfied with the plane! Then immediately goes into weather. Has me open up duats (which is what I told him I use)Starts asking me questions about how I find out about T-STorms Airmets etc…easy enough, Duats labels each section. went through the weather completely, Doesn’t ask me a single question about notams…Ok who am I to complain. He then had me pull up some charts off of NOAA’s website that I had never seen, ask me questions, I tried to stumble through, but could not answer all of them. He seemed to want to teach me a little bit about weather, which was fine too, I already had a pad out and had been taking notes! Asked me where I would have planned an alternate to, IF i would have needed one. I told him and he seemed pleased with the answer. Believe it or not, that was pretty much it. NO ??? on mea’s mca’s maa’s mra’s, never looked at the enroute chart. Asked me about required equipment for IFR flight!
So then he wanted to take a little lunch break, had me file for a local IFR, 1 Hold and one vor approach into T82 of the stonewall vor. After lunch, we head out to the plane, he watches me preflight ask a couple basic questions tried to act like he was just standing around, but I bet he never missed a single thing! I found a loose bolt hanging out of the cowling. so off to the MX people I go, NO biggie, pop the cowling he showed the de where he had just put a NEW bolt but never found the one he lost (which I found) again he was happy and ready. We climb in, plane doesn’t start, after about six trys the starter finally engages and we start up, taxi back to the fbo so We can go inside and call for a clearance (no rco on the field). 30 min later of being on hold, he says forget it we will simulate…ok, hope in the plane doesn’t start again!!! 4 times later we get ignition and we are off. Climb out is fine, plane is good its getting to be around 130 so its getting bumpy. I make it to the vor and I lose my stop watch! I’m in a hold trying to use my watch, somehow i manage to pull off a hold we head inbound I descend to mda and he says hood off and make a low circle app. well I’m right on a right base within glide range so I say, I have the field made I’m leaving my mda. I think he wanted to make an actual circle, but hey I was right in front of my rnwy, I was taking it…ok low app then back out of the area for some partial panel. real basic. compass turns and that’s all, but then he did some unusual attitude partial panel. At one point i was nose low airspeed was 140 kts in an archer with 154 VNE. Ok altimeter is spining down as is vsi and airspeed is climbing…Power off gently nose up until the stop he takes It and one more. From there we fly to ksat for an ils12r. was no to bad, but not good either. We had a lot of heavy iron behind us and controllers not happy with us. we were told to land so we stopped he went in an fbo made a call to the tower got permission for another app. the second was the 12r localizer PARTIAL PANEL..still have controllers yelling still have big stuff behind us and one point they fly an erj over out heads. This one was real sloppy, I almost went full scale deflection but pulled it back just in time! we descend to MDA and he has me fly the full length of the rnwy at MDA, man was I glad the controller finally told be to climb and turn out…because that was it he said hood off, and i started breathing again. He never said a word if i passed or not, I could have busted no less then 3 times (I seen it, not sure if he did!) It was a ride from hell to be honest. we started at 910 am and finished at 1600.
I wish I could offer some more solid advice for those who still have to take the ir ride, but I just dont think this was a normal ride…or maybe that is the advice…BE READY FOR ANYTHING!!! Dont just memorize the app’s you think the de uses, be ready to fly any approach in any sitaution, and most importantly, dont give up, even if you think your doing bad….DONT GIVE UP!!!
October 18th, 2007
Well, I’m beat and its late, but i had to simply say I passed the IR check ride today…Finally! more to come!!!
Well, I’m beat and its late, but i had to simply say I passed the IR check ride today…Finally! more to come!!!
WHAT??? MY IFR PRACTICAL IS TOMORROW????? I gotta be nuts!
October 17th, 2007
OK, so i meet up with cfi this morning. We had some nice low clouds but I figured we would wait for clear sky’s and just do some ground. Which I hated because I want to get into actual whenever i can, but…TOMORROW is the check ride! I needed to wait to get the heat going so I could fly in the bumps like i will be tomorrow. The pilot examiner likes to fly at around 1pm…so here in south texas, that there is bumpy air time! Well, so after some ground prep, we finally took off just for a short last minute prep flight! We figured we would just fly up to CSI vor do a hold one vor-A approach and go home…so after t/o just starting to turn out, i notice I’m not getting a signal on #1 or #2 vor…What??? that is probably the way it will happen tomorrow, I need to fly this…I ask cfi, did you check notams? NO!!! Neither did I. Doesn’t matter, learned a good lesson, you always have to be ready for a change in plans. So, lets go to stonewall and fly the vor-a there. so flip through the book and pull out the plate brief it, or try to while trying to keep it in my lap. Well, it wasn’t pretty, but I made it through!
The nerves are starting to go crazy. I still don’t feel ready! I Just hope it all works out! I don’t want to do it again!Â
OK, so i meet up with cfi this morning. We had some nice low clouds but I figured we would wait for clear sky’s and just do some ground. Which I hated because I want to get into actual whenever i can, but…TOMORROW is the check ride! I needed to wait to get the heat going so I could fly in the bumps like i will be tomorrow. The pilot examiner likes to fly at around 1pm…so here in south texas, that there is bumpy air time! Well, so after some ground prep, we finally took off just for a short last minute prep flight! We figured we would just fly up to CSI vor do a hold one vor-A approach and go home…so after t/o just starting to turn out, i notice I’m not getting a signal on #1 or #2 vor…What??? that is probably the way it will happen tomorrow, I need to fly this…I ask cfi, did you check notams? NO!!! Neither did I. Doesn’t matter, learned a good lesson, you always have to be ready for a change in plans. So, lets go to stonewall and fly the vor-a there. so flip through the book and pull out the plate brief it, or try to while trying to keep it in my lap. Well, it wasn’t pretty, but I made it through!
The nerves are starting to go crazy. I still don’t feel ready! I Just hope it all works out! I don’t want to do it again!Â
October 11th, 2007
That’s it, just one more training day until the big check ride! Today I did a mock checkride with another cfi. I still do not feel ready, and don’t feel like it went well this morning but the cfi says i did well, and he feels I’m ready….so…i guess its on for next Thursday Oct 18.! I just want to get it done! I have my study material; for the commercial license and i just want to get busy on it. I’m over 250 hours now so I don’t need to build time. I just plan on a couple weeks off from flying to study, then take the commercial written, and try to hit the flying portion hard and finish it up by the end of November!
Today was another nice day! It was smooth for the most part. We actually had some actual. I had to pick up a local to fly the ils into SAT. I shot two. The first was crappy, the second was pretty good! We also did some holds over csi and two vor a’s into KERV (one partial panel) and then a localizer 30 into KERV. 2.5 on the hobbs and in the logs! The clouds that came in was a great surprise. I like getting in the stuff as much as possible, foggles just don’t do it for realization. I tell ya, I still don’t feel ready, but i guess I have to go on their advice and just do it! I cant wait!
Now, if I could just get the mooney back for the commercial work, that would be great! But im not going to hold my breath. I think i have a fight ahead of me in regards to the Mooney!
Anyway, for now I have to study some more
That’s it, just one more training day until the big check ride! Today I did a mock checkride with another cfi. I still do not feel ready, and don’t feel like it went well this morning but the cfi says i did well, and he feels I’m ready….so…i guess its on for next Thursday Oct 18.! I just want to get it done! I have my study material; for the commercial license and i just want to get busy on it. I’m over 250 hours now so I don’t need to build time. I just plan on a couple weeks off from flying to study, then take the commercial written, and try to hit the flying portion hard and finish it up by the end of November!
Today was another nice day! It was smooth for the most part. We actually had some actual. I had to pick up a local to fly the ils into SAT. I shot two. The first was crappy, the second was pretty good! We also did some holds over csi and two vor a’s into KERV (one partial panel) and then a localizer 30 into KERV. 2.5 on the hobbs and in the logs! The clouds that came in was a great surprise. I like getting in the stuff as much as possible, foggles just don’t do it for realization. I tell ya, I still don’t feel ready, but i guess I have to go on their advice and just do it! I cant wait!
Now, if I could just get the mooney back for the commercial work, that would be great! But im not going to hold my breath. I think i have a fight ahead of me in regards to the Mooney!
Anyway, for now I have to study some more
2 more training days…what am i going to do?
October 10th, 2007
Well, it was another beautiful morning. Cool, smooth air. It was a little hazy but thats ok, I couldn’t see outside anyway with the foggles on! We decided to go do some air work. Holding, and a couple vor approaches. It’s getting a little better, but I still feel a little sloppy. cfi says im doing good and should be ready next week. I’m not to sure about that. Tomorrow I’m having another cfi I know meet me for a mock check ride! We will see how it goes. I think it will answer me some questions. Obviously I had a lot of thinking going on while in flight about the death of Pete and Susan this past Sunday. You have to wonder sometimes, Pete had more experience in his pinky then i have total, yet a plane crash that appears to be avoidable took him! All i can really say is we have to learn from all these mistakes, and do our best to not repeat them!Â
It seems like I’m starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. This IR has kicked my butt, but i don’t think the commercial will be as bad! We will see. I don’t want to think about it much right now, I just want to get the IR done!!! Anyone have their Instrument Rating, and would like to share some “words of wisdom”???
Well, it was another beautiful morning. Cool, smooth air. It was a little hazy but thats ok, I couldn’t see outside anyway with the foggles on! We decided to go do some air work. Holding, and a couple vor approaches. It’s getting a little better, but I still feel a little sloppy. cfi says im doing good and should be ready next week. I’m not to sure about that. Tomorrow I’m having another cfi I know meet me for a mock check ride! We will see how it goes. I think it will answer me some questions. Obviously I had a lot of thinking going on while in flight about the death of Pete and Susan this past Sunday. You have to wonder sometimes, Pete had more experience in his pinky then i have total, yet a plane crash that appears to be avoidable took him! All i can really say is we have to learn from all these mistakes, and do our best to not repeat them!Â
It seems like I’m starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. This IR has kicked my butt, but i don’t think the commercial will be as bad! We will see. I don’t want to think about it much right now, I just want to get the IR done!!! Anyone have their Instrument Rating, and would like to share some “words of wisdom”???
We suffered a loss!
October 9th, 2007
I never did get a chance to write about last thursdays lesson, It didn’t really go to great! My head just wasnt with me. Then Before I had a chance to write, I find out a plane went down! Worse yet, I know both of them! Susan was my partner in the accident airplane not to long ago. I had a bit of time in it. The cfi with her was a Master CFI, retired Military and a very good pilot who went out of his way to teach safety to others! Which is why this does not make any sence! IT appears right now that there must have been engine trouble, somewhere around 4000 feet dinstance after takeoff they had only climbed to about 200 agl. The plane was slow and not climbing then stalled and spun into the ground….such a basic crash. Something this man should have known how to avoid! Of course its all just speculation atr this point. We will have to wait for the report! Still its hard to see a loss like this
I never did get a chance to write about last thursdays lesson, It didn’t really go to great! My head just wasnt with me. Then Before I had a chance to write, I find out a plane went down! Worse yet, I know both of them! Susan was my partner in the accident airplane not to long ago. I had a bit of time in it. The cfi with her was a Master CFI, retired Military and a very good pilot who went out of his way to teach safety to others! Which is why this does not make any sence! IT appears right now that there must have been engine trouble, somewhere around 4000 feet dinstance after takeoff they had only climbed to about 200 agl. The plane was slow and not climbing then stalled and spun into the ground….such a basic crash. Something this man should have known how to avoid! Of course its all just speculation atr this point. We will have to wait for the report! Still its hard to see a loss like this
Just 5 more minutes!!!
October 3rd, 2007
Have you had that feeling of not wanting to stop doing something? I had another IR flight lesson this morning, it was a beautiful morning! Smooth air, cool temps, the kind of morning that just makes you want to stay up there forever!!! So, how did the lesson go? It wasn’t to bad! I have 4 more training days until the practical. I was not happy again with my altitude holds. I did an ILS into KSAT which was pretty good, I was pleased with it. From there we went missed, which I believe we would have had to even if I had not wanted to, as the tower controller cleared a guy for takeoff on my runway while I was on very short final. So a quick turn to HDG 150 and climb away from the situation. From there it was on to KSSF for a hold at the stinson vopr and then a vor 32 approach into stinson. The hold went ok, I found i was having trouble with times, It did not help that is suddenly got real busy and the app controller started his rapid fire talking. Then what appeared to be a ppl student came along and was having real bad trouble with his radio work! I felt bad for the guy, but it’s just one of those things you have to learn. I could tell the controller was getting frustrated with him but stuck with him and got him through!
The first vor approach was bad, 332 inbound to the vor and then 337 after station passage. The same bad radio guy was still blocking up the airwaves, so it came time to report inbound and i could not get a word in, finally reported and switched to ssf tower who told me to go missed 1 mile south do to traffic (yep, MR bad radio guy.) Well, after all the confusion I realized I forgot to start my timer, and after a really bad approach we decided to set up for another. The second went much better. Still had some confusion with the tower controller, but I wanted to circle to land as published to make myself hold my altitudes and i did much better this time! Finally its time to head for home, go missed turn to 090 and call San Antonio approach. It was a nice ride back, we settled in just on top of a small scattered layer of clouds and just enjoyed the ride. Like i said it was smooth, and i wanted to keep on flying. Once we got out the class charlie airspace I decided to do a little airwork, again some descents to altitudes so i could practice holding them. Got back to the field and decided to try the dead engine 180 to land. Since the commercial is next and that is a required maneuver, might as well start practicing…besides they are fun. Its a challenge to make the plane do what you want. So abeam the numbers cfi chops the power and says hit the 1000 ‘ mark on or within 100 ft biggie, set up a glide, find your spot and fly the plane. I passed my spot by about 75′…close enough to pass, but not on it, I wanted on it…but hey it was a first time! So now its on to the sim and refly it all, and prepare for tomorrow. Another lesson in the am, just hope its as nice as it was today!
Have you had that feeling of not wanting to stop doing something? I had another IR flight lesson this morning, it was a beautiful morning! Smooth air, cool temps, the kind of morning that just makes you want to stay up there forever!!! So, how did the lesson go? It wasn’t to bad! I have 4 more training days until the practical. I was not happy again with my altitude holds. I did an ILS into KSAT which was pretty good, I was pleased with it. From there we went missed, which I believe we would have had to even if I had not wanted to, as the tower controller cleared a guy for takeoff on my runway while I was on very short final. So a quick turn to HDG 150 and climb away from the situation. From there it was on to KSSF for a hold at the stinson vopr and then a vor 32 approach into stinson. The hold went ok, I found i was having trouble with times, It did not help that is suddenly got real busy and the app controller started his rapid fire talking. Then what appeared to be a ppl student came along and was having real bad trouble with his radio work! I felt bad for the guy, but it’s just one of those things you have to learn. I could tell the controller was getting frustrated with him but stuck with him and got him through!
The first vor approach was bad, 332 inbound to the vor and then 337 after station passage. The same bad radio guy was still blocking up the airwaves, so it came time to report inbound and i could not get a word in, finally reported and switched to ssf tower who told me to go missed 1 mile south do to traffic (yep, MR bad radio guy.) Well, after all the confusion I realized I forgot to start my timer, and after a really bad approach we decided to set up for another. The second went much better. Still had some confusion with the tower controller, but I wanted to circle to land as published to make myself hold my altitudes and i did much better this time! Finally its time to head for home, go missed turn to 090 and call San Antonio approach. It was a nice ride back, we settled in just on top of a small scattered layer of clouds and just enjoyed the ride. Like i said it was smooth, and i wanted to keep on flying. Once we got out the class charlie airspace I decided to do a little airwork, again some descents to altitudes so i could practice holding them. Got back to the field and decided to try the dead engine 180 to land. Since the commercial is next and that is a required maneuver, might as well start practicing…besides they are fun. Its a challenge to make the plane do what you want. So abeam the numbers cfi chops the power and says hit the 1000 ‘ mark on or within 100 ft biggie, set up a glide, find your spot and fly the plane. I passed my spot by about 75′…close enough to pass, but not on it, I wanted on it…but hey it was a first time! So now its on to the sim and refly it all, and prepare for tomorrow. Another lesson in the am, just hope its as nice as it was today!
Saturday, and stinky weather
September 29th, 2007
Well, I was suppossed to get a flight in today. However mother nature had a mind of her own…as usual! Low cielings, a lot of convective activity. Wasn’t a complete wash, we ended up doing some work on the Barron which is down for annual. I try to help as much as i can, It’s been a great learning experience. Going through the checklist of inspection point, searching the manuals trying to find one of the many many parts! It’s just amazing when you stop and look at just how many parts are involved in the making of an airplane! I cannot wait to get her flying again! There is nothing like sitting between thos big engines and hearing them singing! I dont have my multi yet, but hope I will by then end of the year! It seems between the weather, planes being down, cfi issues, or work, sometimes I wonder if I will ever get done. Makes you wish you could afford to go to one of those “pro-pilot” places, you know all your licenses, and rating in 6 months kinda places…Oh well, someone has to pay the bills though!
Well, I was suppossed to get a flight in today. However mother nature had a mind of her own…as usual! Low cielings, a lot of convective activity. Wasn’t a complete wash, we ended up doing some work on the Barron which is down for annual. I try to help as much as i can, It’s been a great learning experience. Going through the checklist of inspection point, searching the manuals trying to find one of the many many parts! It’s just amazing when you stop and look at just how many parts are involved in the making of an airplane! I cannot wait to get her flying again! There is nothing like sitting between thos big engines and hearing them singing! I dont have my multi yet, but hope I will by then end of the year! It seems between the weather, planes being down, cfi issues, or work, sometimes I wonder if I will ever get done. Makes you wish you could afford to go to one of those “pro-pilot” places, you know all your licenses, and rating in 6 months kinda places…Oh well, someone has to pay the bills though!
Another lesson done
September 27th, 2007
SO, I finally get another lesson. I’m down to 5 training days left before D-day OCT 18. It was a nice day, HOT as usual here in south texas. We decided I needed some partial panel work. So we simulated a vacuum failure (i.e. a couple sticky notes over attitude ind and heading ind.). It went pretty good. had it been actual I would have made it to the field. It was not pretty using your mag compass to navigate a vor approach, it is not the easiest thing to do. then we decide to do a localizer approach. From the vor 84 deg radial to intercept localizer backcourse at the lom. Fly out bound don’t forget reverse sensing on the loc outbound i told my self as i was correcting….the wrong way!!! Procedure turn, intercept localizer begin descent. reach the lom begin descent to mda hold that and wait, then correct as i slip below my mda…by 200 feet…NICE, that’s a bust! OK, so lets go try it again. the second was a little better. I wonder about my abilities sometimes. I wonder if i will my concentration developed enough to fly as precisely as is required during the IR practical. All in all I was not too disappointed. I can see things are starting to come together. I’m starting to visualize where I’m at better then i could before.
I Was talking with cfi before the flight and he told me about a little episode a PP student just had yesterday. Turning base his C172 blew a cylinder. It was parked just a couple stalls down, wow, what a mess. windshield was covered with oil, big dent in cowling where the cylinder hit. I bet the left seat was as dirty as the windshield, would have been if i were the pilot!
I have yet to have an engine failure. I had one incident about a year ago. I was flying a C150, I was about 10 miles away from my home base and after 4 hours of flight I get a pop and loss of about 400 rpm. HELLO, yeah im awake now. OK, full power, check mixture, check fuel check gauges, check carb heat. Ok maybe not in that order, but it all got done real fast, and nothing helped! So, what do you do, your losing power, im ten miles out, no place to land around me, HOLD ALT, and fly her as long as you can. I had my gps with me so I double checked location, and i was straight out on a ten mile final, ok no pattern for me! There is still no place to land, but I am holding alt and im almost there, listen for traffic…none! good the field is all mine. Announce a straight in 17, still no traffic. finally within glide range, bring power back a little begin a descent, short final, pull a little more power out, finally got the field made power off, and yeah, breathing again. It was interesting, Its kinda cool how training kicks in and you just DO what has to be done.
Just talked with “JT” (the Father-in-law) told him about today’s flight and he offered a flight this saturday in his C172. I could use an extra training day. I’m way more partial to low wing planes but if i can fly one for the cost of fuel only, im there!!!
All in all, it was a good day, but a bad day flying is way better then a good day working! Now if i can just get to the point of getting paid to FLY! IT will happen!
SO, I finally get another lesson. I’m down to 5 training days left before D-day OCT 18. It was a nice day, HOT as usual here in south texas. We decided I needed some partial panel work. So we simulated a vacuum failure (i.e. a couple sticky notes over attitude ind and heading ind.). It went pretty good. had it been actual I would have made it to the field. It was not pretty using your mag compass to navigate a vor approach, it is not the easiest thing to do. then we decide to do a localizer approach. From the vor 84 deg radial to intercept localizer backcourse at the lom. Fly out bound don’t forget reverse sensing on the loc outbound i told my self as i was correcting….the wrong way!!! Procedure turn, intercept localizer begin descent. reach the lom begin descent to mda hold that and wait, then correct as i slip below my mda…by 200 feet…NICE, that’s a bust! OK, so lets go try it again. the second was a little better. I wonder about my abilities sometimes. I wonder if i will my concentration developed enough to fly as precisely as is required during the IR practical. All in all I was not too disappointed. I can see things are starting to come together. I’m starting to visualize where I’m at better then i could before.
I Was talking with cfi before the flight and he told me about a little episode a PP student just had yesterday. Turning base his C172 blew a cylinder. It was parked just a couple stalls down, wow, what a mess. windshield was covered with oil, big dent in cowling where the cylinder hit. I bet the left seat was as dirty as the windshield, would have been if i were the pilot!
I have yet to have an engine failure. I had one incident about a year ago. I was flying a C150, I was about 10 miles away from my home base and after 4 hours of flight I get a pop and loss of about 400 rpm. HELLO, yeah im awake now. OK, full power, check mixture, check fuel check gauges, check carb heat. Ok maybe not in that order, but it all got done real fast, and nothing helped! So, what do you do, your losing power, im ten miles out, no place to land around me, HOLD ALT, and fly her as long as you can. I had my gps with me so I double checked location, and i was straight out on a ten mile final, ok no pattern for me! There is still no place to land, but I am holding alt and im almost there, listen for traffic…none! good the field is all mine. Announce a straight in 17, still no traffic. finally within glide range, bring power back a little begin a descent, short final, pull a little more power out, finally got the field made power off, and yeah, breathing again. It was interesting, Its kinda cool how training kicks in and you just DO what has to be done.
Just talked with “JT” (the Father-in-law) told him about today’s flight and he offered a flight this saturday in his C172. I could use an extra training day. I’m way more partial to low wing planes but if i can fly one for the cost of fuel only, im there!!!
All in all, it was a good day, but a bad day flying is way better then a good day working! Now if i can just get to the point of getting paid to FLY! IT will happen!
Another day, what to expect?
September 27th, 2007
Well after another lost training day yesterday, it’s now Thursday morning and I’m on the schedule for a mid-day IR training flight! I guess it wasn’t such a bad thing I did not fly yesterday. I was sick on Monday and thought i was over it, but ended up feeling pretty bad yesterday! I did get some sim time and john and martha time in! Now I’m ready to go practice in the real plane, what i did on the sim. I know MSFS is not the best “tool” but unfortunately I do not have a full motion sim around. I will say this though, get as realistic flight control and rudder pedals and you will be amazed at how much more “realistic” it gets! I plan on going out before my lesson so i can get the numbers on the plane again. Just make sure I have them right! Probably need to practice descents too. Descending on the approach I still on occasion allow myself to descend below mda…which of course is bad! Lets just hope today goes well!
Well after another lost training day yesterday, it’s now Thursday morning and I’m on the schedule for a mid-day IR training flight! I guess it wasn’t such a bad thing I did not fly yesterday. I was sick on Monday and thought i was over it, but ended up feeling pretty bad yesterday! I did get some sim time and john and martha time in! Now I’m ready to go practice in the real plane, what i did on the sim. I know MSFS is not the best “tool” but unfortunately I do not have a full motion sim around. I will say this though, get as realistic flight control and rudder pedals and you will be amazed at how much more “realistic” it gets! I plan on going out before my lesson so i can get the numbers on the plane again. Just make sure I have them right! Probably need to practice descents too. Descending on the approach I still on occasion allow myself to descend below mda…which of course is bad! Lets just hope today goes well!
September 26th, 2007
Ok, since I did not get an IR lesson in I figured i better get some studies done. The only problem is how much Martha can you stand? I know you guys out there think Martha King is hot…don’t you!
You really can take only so much though. Or how about Rob and Richard at sporty’s! Now that stuff is instant sleep. Pop it in hit the play on the remote, and BAMB you’re out like a light. I wonder though, sometimes it seems like there is just to much to know, how will you ever have all this stuff in your head? Obviously i must know it a little. I already took the written made a 97, not sure how, but i wont argue! The IR training is fun. How cool is it to know that you can takeoff, and navigate to another point without ever seeing the ground, or outside the plane! Then when you get to your dest. you begin your approach. That word just doesn’t do it justice. Lets take a vor approach. Your flying along watching a single needle on a gauge in your panel. Waiting…waiting for the “flag” to flip from a to/from indication. then the little dance begins. note the change, make a turn fly this heading for 1 min, then turn to this heading fly another min make another turn wait for your “needle” to center up again and then start a decent wait for that to/from change again start another descent and start a timer once you reach the new altitude you hope you will see the airport somewhere in front of you. I will say the more i get use to the instrument flying, the more I desire a flying career! Dont get me wrong, a short hop for a hundred dollar hamburger is great! Or what about a lazy Sunday afternoon watching a taildragger flying the pattern at a grass strip! Sometimes vfr flight is fun, but the thrill of mastering the operation of taking this big hunk of metal making it fly precisely from one point to another, and making it fit into a system of other hunks of metal all doing this big dance in the sky. Maybe I’m weird, but it is very cool stuff…to me
Ok, since I did not get an IR lesson in I figured i better get some studies done. The only problem is how much Martha can you stand? I know you guys out there think Martha King is hot…don’t you!
You really can take only so much though. Or how about Rob and Richard at sporty’s! Now that stuff is instant sleep. Pop it in hit the play on the remote, and BAMB you’re out like a light. I wonder though, sometimes it seems like there is just to much to know, how will you ever have all this stuff in your head? Obviously i must know it a little. I already took the written made a 97, not sure how, but i wont argue! The IR training is fun. How cool is it to know that you can takeoff, and navigate to another point without ever seeing the ground, or outside the plane! Then when you get to your dest. you begin your approach. That word just doesn’t do it justice. Lets take a vor approach. Your flying along watching a single needle on a gauge in your panel. Waiting…waiting for the “flag” to flip from a to/from indication. then the little dance begins. note the change, make a turn fly this heading for 1 min, then turn to this heading fly another min make another turn wait for your “needle” to center up again and then start a decent wait for that to/from change again start another descent and start a timer once you reach the new altitude you hope you will see the airport somewhere in front of you. I will say the more i get use to the instrument flying, the more I desire a flying career! Dont get me wrong, a short hop for a hundred dollar hamburger is great! Or what about a lazy Sunday afternoon watching a taildragger flying the pattern at a grass strip! Sometimes vfr flight is fun, but the thrill of mastering the operation of taking this big hunk of metal making it fly precisely from one point to another, and making it fit into a system of other hunks of metal all doing this big dance in the sky. Maybe I’m weird, but it is very cool stuff…to me
does it ever stop???
September 26th, 2007
I’m only 7 training days away from my oct 18 IR check ride. I get a call this morning from my cfi…”I have a sinus headache”… “i need to cancel”
Lets back up again to the beginning. I was at 10 hours tt. I had just solo’ed and my very first cfi says, sorry but its time for me to go! That one was not a surprise. Young guy just out of SLU’s aviation program, and was offered a gig flying the beech b58 barron…ok so thats a no brainer (I heard it wasn’t long after that a commuter in the NE flying dash-8’s picked him up). So i bounce around trying out a couple cfi’s…why is it so hard to find a good one. Finally…I find a guy, Lou…72 y/o been flying for 55 years. Lou was good, unfortunately Lou is no longer with us. what over 30,000 hours in GA couldnt do, it seems a bout with cancer did. If you ever flew into K02 Perryville MO prior to 6/02 you probably met him. He is missed! fast forward to 3/3/06 nearly four years out of the left seat, thanks to my new wife, and father-in-law I take to the sky’s again. The guy I buy my share of the C150/150 from introduces me to my next CFI. He is a nice guy, very knowledgeable, but after too much wasted time i realize this guy is more of a passenger then an instructor. I find myself walking away from the lesson saying…what did i just learn??? lets move up 9 more months. DEC 06. I sell out of the C!%) and Buy into a share of a Mooney M20j! WOW, talk about an airplane. I loved it! only problem I still had not finished my IR and now I’m learning how to fly a complex 200mph airplane…that was a handful. the change finally made me realize i need to find a new instructor. My “training” in the m20j consisted of a few flight with no real objective. So here i go on the cfi hunt again. I bounced through a couple. One guy was pretty good, but he up a left due to a health issue in the family.
 THEN, it happends One of the partners goes out and does a gear up in the mooney. 70 hours on a new engine, and prop! been over 3 months and the *&^%^*$^%plane is still bent and sitting and waiting!
So, Off i go on another search for a CFI and a Plane. I find an archer ll for an unbelievable deal. also find a cfi at the same fbo. great! Im back in business, or am I?
First flight with MR. new cfi. well, not what i hoped for. He’s green, very green. Not that that is a problem all by itself. I know we all have to start somewhere. So i decided to give the guy a chance. Beside Im so close! the next week rolls around and we have some low clouds woohoo, I have 10 hours actual and try to get as much as possible. So i show up to the fbo, he’s there…Lets go!!! Well, he says, the clouds are to low…ok, so lets file and go. “i’m not current right now” he says…..WHAT? this guy is “teaching” me instruments, but he cannot fly on them…ok. I can kinda understand that. I know what cfi’s make. Its not a lot and its not cheap to rent a plane these days. So i gently prompt this guy to start on it! I missed to good soft ifr days. the next week rolls. show up and same as last week, really great low soft IFR. Did CFI get current? NO! ok, another great flying day gone. next day, same thing. after sitting around for about 3 hours the clouds finally lift. I tell mr. cfi ok we are going up now. your flying and your getting current! 1.5 later he has a hold, nav, and 3 approaches. Ok all he has to do is get three more before next week Which was my planned long IR cross country. I informed him we needed to do this regardless of the weather vmc or imc. Its planned for next thursday. wednesday, the day before, the weather is nasty, i ask him if he is current, and i hear no! On the phone i go, Looking for yet another cfi. I really try to be understanding and giving, but sometimes you have to cut your losses and move on. Finally get another guy on the phone make some arrangments tell him i will schedule with him next week! No sooner then i get off the phone with him, i get a phone call from my cfi…I”M CURRENT, he tells me. ok, fine back on track i guess for the long CC scheduled for tomorrow…
Well, I wish i could say the long cross country was perfect, but it wasnt. It showed a lot of my weaknesses. I did walk away with about 2 more hours actual!
BUT, now after him cancelling today I have 6 more training day’s before check ride! oh my, what to do?
I’m only 7 training days away from my oct 18 IR check ride. I get a call this morning from my cfi…”I have a sinus headache”… “i need to cancel”
Lets back up again to the beginning. I was at 10 hours tt. I had just solo’ed and my very first cfi says, sorry but its time for me to go! That one was not a surprise. Young guy just out of SLU’s aviation program, and was offered a gig flying the beech b58 barron…ok so thats a no brainer (I heard it wasn’t long after that a commuter in the NE flying dash-8’s picked him up). So i bounce around trying out a couple cfi’s…why is it so hard to find a good one. Finally…I find a guy, Lou…72 y/o been flying for 55 years. Lou was good, unfortunately Lou is no longer with us. what over 30,000 hours in GA couldnt do, it seems a bout with cancer did. If you ever flew into K02 Perryville MO prior to 6/02 you probably met him. He is missed! fast forward to 3/3/06 nearly four years out of the left seat, thanks to my new wife, and father-in-law I take to the sky’s again. The guy I buy my share of the C150/150 from introduces me to my next CFI. He is a nice guy, very knowledgeable, but after too much wasted time i realize this guy is more of a passenger then an instructor. I find myself walking away from the lesson saying…what did i just learn??? lets move up 9 more months. DEC 06. I sell out of the C!%) and Buy into a share of a Mooney M20j! WOW, talk about an airplane. I loved it! only problem I still had not finished my IR and now I’m learning how to fly a complex 200mph airplane…that was a handful. the change finally made me realize i need to find a new instructor. My “training” in the m20j consisted of a few flight with no real objective. So here i go on the cfi hunt again. I bounced through a couple. One guy was pretty good, but he up a left due to a health issue in the family.
 THEN, it happends One of the partners goes out and does a gear up in the mooney. 70 hours on a new engine, and prop! been over 3 months and the *&^%^*$^%plane is still bent and sitting and waiting!
So, Off i go on another search for a CFI and a Plane. I find an archer ll for an unbelievable deal. also find a cfi at the same fbo. great! Im back in business, or am I?
First flight with MR. new cfi. well, not what i hoped for. He’s green, very green. Not that that is a problem all by itself. I know we all have to start somewhere. So i decided to give the guy a chance. Beside Im so close! the next week rolls around and we have some low clouds woohoo, I have 10 hours actual and try to get as much as possible. So i show up to the fbo, he’s there…Lets go!!! Well, he says, the clouds are to low…ok, so lets file and go. “i’m not current right now” he says…..WHAT? this guy is “teaching” me instruments, but he cannot fly on them…ok. I can kinda understand that. I know what cfi’s make. Its not a lot and its not cheap to rent a plane these days. So i gently prompt this guy to start on it! I missed to good soft ifr days. the next week rolls. show up and same as last week, really great low soft IFR. Did CFI get current? NO! ok, another great flying day gone. next day, same thing. after sitting around for about 3 hours the clouds finally lift. I tell mr. cfi ok we are going up now. your flying and your getting current! 1.5 later he has a hold, nav, and 3 approaches. Ok all he has to do is get three more before next week Which was my planned long IR cross country. I informed him we needed to do this regardless of the weather vmc or imc. Its planned for next thursday. wednesday, the day before, the weather is nasty, i ask him if he is current, and i hear no! On the phone i go, Looking for yet another cfi. I really try to be understanding and giving, but sometimes you have to cut your losses and move on. Finally get another guy on the phone make some arrangments tell him i will schedule with him next week! No sooner then i get off the phone with him, i get a phone call from my cfi…I”M CURRENT, he tells me. ok, fine back on track i guess for the long CC scheduled for tomorrow…
Well, I wish i could say the long cross country was perfect, but it wasnt. It showed a lot of my weaknesses. I did walk away with about 2 more hours actual!
BUT, now after him cancelling today I have 6 more training day’s before check ride! oh my, what to do?
And so it begins!
September 25th, 2007
Wow, a blog. who would have thought it. After reading a few I thought why not, what a great way to remember where i have been and also to share with others who might be thinking about this same path of travel! Who is “justplanecrazy “? My name is Tim. Im 39. I have a beautiful wife, two great daughters and step daughter. I have been in the transportation business (i.e. I drive semi-truck’s) for longer then i care to admit. I have always been fascinated with airplanes (ask my family and the word you here will probably be obsessed). Before i could even talk i could spot a plane flying over head. 1999 after a divorce I finally decided to do something for myself. I took up flying lesson. I loved it! 40 hours later (more like a year in real time) I was a private pilot single engine land. I started taking instrument lesson but my ex flared up again and off i go moving 1000 miles across the country. 4 years after the move i finally got back into the air. I bought a share of a cessna 150/150. I also stated up my instrument lesson….oh let me back up here a bit. so why did i start flying flying again? I met my beautiful new bride of almost two years now. Her dad low and behold is also a pilot. He owns a c172 and a beech barron. so a couple flights with him and im hooked AGAIN! I fly out of class charlie airspace, and I realized I like the fast paced nature of busy towered airports. I started talking with S (my wife) about my desires to become a professional pilot, and lucky me she has been very supportive. So here I am to document my “mid-life” journey. I’m not the best at this stuff, and I spend a lot of time at work (trying to pay for this habit) and studying, but will do my best to keep it updated!Â
So, where am i at right now? I am still ASEL but with @250 hours, high perf and complex endors. 60 hours in a Mooney M20J man do i love the mooney’s Im about three weeks away from my instrument practical ride. I scheduled it for OCT 18. I’m not sure if i’m ready, i have such issues with cfi’s (i will get into that later) I just want to get this done so i can start on my commercial and multi!Â
Well off to work i go, Thank you for stopping by!
Wow, a blog. who would have thought it. After reading a few I thought why not, what a great way to remember where i have been and also to share with others who might be thinking about this same path of travel! Who is “justplanecrazy “? My name is Tim. Im 39. I have a beautiful wife, two great daughters and step daughter. I have been in the transportation business (i.e. I drive semi-truck’s) for longer then i care to admit. I have always been fascinated with airplanes (ask my family and the word you here will probably be obsessed). Before i could even talk i could spot a plane flying over head. 1999 after a divorce I finally decided to do something for myself. I took up flying lesson. I loved it! 40 hours later (more like a year in real time) I was a private pilot single engine land. I started taking instrument lesson but my ex flared up again and off i go moving 1000 miles across the country. 4 years after the move i finally got back into the air. I bought a share of a cessna 150/150. I also stated up my instrument lesson….oh let me back up here a bit. so why did i start flying flying again? I met my beautiful new bride of almost two years now. Her dad low and behold is also a pilot. He owns a c172 and a beech barron. so a couple flights with him and im hooked AGAIN! I fly out of class charlie airspace, and I realized I like the fast paced nature of busy towered airports. I started talking with S (my wife) about my desires to become a professional pilot, and lucky me she has been very supportive. So here I am to document my “mid-life” journey. I’m not the best at this stuff, and I spend a lot of time at work (trying to pay for this habit) and studying, but will do my best to keep it updated!Â
So, where am i at right now? I am still ASEL but with @250 hours, high perf and complex endors. 60 hours in a Mooney M20J man do i love the mooney’s Im about three weeks away from my instrument practical ride. I scheduled it for OCT 18. I’m not sure if i’m ready, i have such issues with cfi’s (i will get into that later) I just want to get this done so i can start on my commercial and multi!Â
Well off to work i go, Thank you for stopping by!
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