I guess since i want to get into the airlines this word DELAYED is one I should get used to! I show-up to the airport today for a lesson only to find out that the cfi is not available tomorrow...EVEN though we already had a lesson on the schedule! Since we cannot fly tomorrow we are short at least one lesson before I can be signed off to take the commercial practical...So, I had to come home and call the DPE (Designated pilot examiner) to cancel and re-schedule. His next available day is March 5. Not to bad I guess, But I so want to get this done! I guess I shouldn't let it bother me, at least I have been able to fly, but the lesson are not as fun when you are flying just for the fun of it. For those who might come along and read this who have yet had a chance to fly, I encourage you to get out to an airport near you and take a flight. There is nothing as awesome as the thrill of piloting an airplane. It may not sound like a lot of fun by the way I explain some of the experiences I have had while going through training, but the payoff is when you can relax a bit and go out and have some fun.

These sunset photo's were taken over Oahu Hawaii. Beautiful!

Flying Over KAUS Austin Texas

Preparing for takeoff junction Texas

Just after Takeoff, What A view! For most, the payoff is the view from the front office. I cannot wait until I reach the point where I can get that position flying for an airline. That will be the payoff for all the problems and delays I have faced so far, and will continue to face. Aviation is unlike anything else I have ever experienced. I have had motorcycles, boats, I have had many hobbies, but nothing I have ever done has equaled aviation. Once you get the bug...you have it, nothing you can do about, and if you have it...you know what I'm talking about!
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